09 August 2011

Surreal Composite with Girl in Taffeta

Another photo manipulation, the result of a series of tutorials and a composite featuring elements taken from found images, put together in a collage. Not the end result I was hoping for, not quite as clean or seamless in some areas as I would have liked, but I think I've exhausted my patience with this piece. 

...at least for today. 

01 August 2011

Dyslexic Readers

Newly designed typeface could help dyslexic readers - CTV News

Dyslexie Font 

I saw this story in the feeds this morning and thought it was worth noting. First off, it should appeal to all you type geeks out there. I found it particularly interesting looking at the thought that went into why some of the choices were made. 

But it should also be noted that there was a study done on this font, showing slight improvement on reading accuracy with people with dyslexia. Although "slight" may not be a promising descriptor, I imagine any improvement would be welcome. 

21 July 2011

IF _ Gesture

"I worship an elephant-headed god." - King Mob
The first in a series of applied skills taken from tutorials and demonstrations. I used a small image of a brass choki Ganesha to create this image for Illustration Friday. The font was ready-made and all effects were custom generated.

13 May 2011

Newt Gingrinch Confirms Presidential Candidacy (via brandchannel)

Has it really come to this? As horrifying as the thought of Newt as President is, perhaps this is good news for the incumbent from a campaign strategy standpoint. I know Gingrich is a popular pundit with the other side (it took a massive effort not to state that as "wrong" side, by the way, but I'm trying to be at least marginally respectful...) but I have to wonder how much pull he has with the entire Conservative voting public. I feel that there's a certain prurient fascination with his stances in the media, but I have to wonder if that translates into real votes. As much as the left likes to lump Conservatives all together and view them as Palin-ites and zealots, there is still a pretty wide spectrum of loyalty to the party line among the voting public.

I'll be fascinated to see how this unfolds.

12 May 2011

Google vs. Martha Graham (via Drawn Blog)

Google - Martha Graham from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

I think from an illustration and animation standpoint, Google's animated logo doodle for Martha Graham's birthday (that would be yesterday, May 11) is worth pointing out, in case you missed it. Animated by Ryan Woodward, the gorgeous animation was a tribute to Ms. Graham's birthday and lasting legacy in dance.

And for those of you still on Microsoft Explorer that may have had your systems crash as a result of the animation and MSE's inability to handle it, well.... don't hate the player.

02 May 2011

Rabbit Rabbit!

Rabbit rabbit ... although I realize it 's a little late. 

But figured this rough I've been working on was appropriate for the time of year and the beginning of the month and all. 

I was actually working this rough up as an element for the pre-Easter, but it didn't make it through. Keep an eye out for our friend here in the future, though. I think this one is worth working up further.  

27 April 2011

Chocolate Pushpins?

Saw this brief post from the folks over at Design Sponge (http://designspongeonline.com) and initially misread it. I thought it said "Chocolate Pushpins" and thought, "Wow. That's a little twisted in an awesome kinda way isn't it? Push pin-shaped, candy-covered chocolate candies." Awesome and gut wrenching all at the same time, right? Too bad I misread this. They would've been much more awesomer my way...