13 May 2011

Newt Gingrinch Confirms Presidential Candidacy (via brandchannel)

Has it really come to this? As horrifying as the thought of Newt as President is, perhaps this is good news for the incumbent from a campaign strategy standpoint. I know Gingrich is a popular pundit with the other side (it took a massive effort not to state that as "wrong" side, by the way, but I'm trying to be at least marginally respectful...) but I have to wonder how much pull he has with the entire Conservative voting public. I feel that there's a certain prurient fascination with his stances in the media, but I have to wonder if that translates into real votes. As much as the left likes to lump Conservatives all together and view them as Palin-ites and zealots, there is still a pretty wide spectrum of loyalty to the party line among the voting public.

I'll be fascinated to see how this unfolds.

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