So, those of you who may have been following likely noticed that I sort of fell off the Project 365 there relatively quickly. Well, rest assured there was a reason for it, though perhaps not such a good reason for it. And now that we're moved and settled, I can let any and all know about it. As of Friday, T.Doc Creative became Pulp+Wire. And relocated from the Dana Warp Mill in Westbrook to Downtown Portland.
Needless to say, we've been a little preoccupied around the office for the past month or so, making sure everything gets out on time, taking care of our own rebranding and packing things up and prepping the new office. Suffice it to say, things have been a little hectic.
I am happy to say that the move went relatively smoothly, we are now settled in our new space (mostly) and things should begin to get back to ... well, not normal so much as get into a groove.
I plan to resume my daily photo posts shortly, especially seeing as how now that I'm within walking distance of the new office, I plan to be walking each day which I'm hoping will present more opportune shots. In addition, I'll likely be posting some shots of the new space up here along with a couple of personal projects I've been working on.
So, apologies for the break in posts and many thanks for continuing to pay attention!
22 March 2010
24 February 2010
Day 27 (through 31): Covet
So despite my being incommunicado for the past few days, rest assured that I have continued taking shots at least. Over the weekend, I was out touring some of the music stores in the area looking for inspiration and doing research for a logo project I'm helping a friend of mine out with.
After several hours perusing the racks, I returned home with one burning desire: to learn how to play guitar for the sole reason that I want to be able to justify going out and buying one or more of the beautiful stringed machines I saw.
Honestly, I don't think they could make some of these any more like candy.
My favorite right now is a '67 replica that Danelectro makes that just makes me drooool...
Yeah, that would be them right here. It's unhealthy the craving they create. And it's not like I want just one of them, either. I want all three of these and all of the other colors they make.
Like I said, not healthy.
Most of the day, I spent shuffling around, shooting pics all guerrilla-stylee with my nifty phone mainly 'cuz it felt weird just out and out snapping off pictures in a store. It kinda felt like casing the joint.
Which led me to thinking up answers to the questions the detectives would obviously ask when they came looking for me after all of the stores I'd visited got ripped off that night in a case of cosmic coincidence and mistaken identity a la My Cousin Vinny.
...what can I say? I've got an over-active imagination that just kicks into overdrive when I'm out tripping out on visual stimuli.
Here's a sweet little logo I saw. Pic's a little on the blurry side...
OK, it's a lot on the blurry side. Sue me. I already told you I was going all James Bond style stealthy.
And here's a couple more. You'll have to forgive the lapse in posts, but these should make up the interim days anyhow.
More tomorrow...
After several hours perusing the racks, I returned home with one burning desire: to learn how to play guitar for the sole reason that I want to be able to justify going out and buying one or more of the beautiful stringed machines I saw.
Honestly, I don't think they could make some of these any more like candy.
My favorite right now is a '67 replica that Danelectro makes that just makes me drooool...
Yeah, that would be them right here. It's unhealthy the craving they create. And it's not like I want just one of them, either. I want all three of these and all of the other colors they make.
Like I said, not healthy.
Most of the day, I spent shuffling around, shooting pics all guerrilla-stylee with my nifty phone mainly 'cuz it felt weird just out and out snapping off pictures in a store. It kinda felt like casing the joint.
Which led me to thinking up answers to the questions the detectives would obviously ask when they came looking for me after all of the stores I'd visited got ripped off that night in a case of cosmic coincidence and mistaken identity a la My Cousin Vinny.
...what can I say? I've got an over-active imagination that just kicks into overdrive when I'm out tripping out on visual stimuli.
Here's a sweet little logo I saw. Pic's a little on the blurry side...
OK, it's a lot on the blurry side. Sue me. I already told you I was going all James Bond style stealthy.
And here's a couple more. You'll have to forgive the lapse in posts, but these should make up the interim days anyhow.
More tomorrow...

19 February 2010
Day 26: More of the letter A
Obviously, this one turned out a little blurry, but I wanted to play a little more with the idea of collecting letterforms. Sort of a typography exercise in photography. I liked this for the pseudo-tiki/bennihana lounge feel of the letters combined with the outlined and then slapped onto some faux-wood grain.
18 February 2010
Day 25: Denim
A little on the dark side and certainly darker than the denim as it really is, but I was really happy with the way the texture of these jeans came out. The beauty of digital photography--you can screw around and shoot tons of stuff you'd never have shot if you'd have ahd to develop the actual film. Makes it much easier to experiment and make mistakes.
17 February 2010
Day 24: A
Just some more fun with letterforms. I guess you could take a kind of Sesame Street bent with this one, right? Kind of a Today sponsored by the letter "A" sort of thing. Maybe it's been too long since I watched Sesame Street--I'm not even sure if they even still do that bit. ...guess I know what I'm watching when I get home tonight.
16 February 2010
Day 23: Sunset
I could alternately title this "Why I Love Seasons". This kind of sky you only get in the small days before winter and the almost-long days as winter fades away. This type of sky is entirely worth sub-freezing temperatures for a few months.
15 February 2010
Day 22: Chain Gang
This medallion is an element on a charm bracelet that belonged to my mother. I remember being fascinated with this when I was little. In looking at the type on the back of this medallion, I was struck by the lights and darks and relief of the type.
14 February 2010
Day 21: Letterforms
Again, looking at font as a graphic, photographic element. I think to really achieve the depth of field and perspective I'm going for here, I need to invest in a macro lens or macro filters and try this again with the Nikon.
13 February 2010
Day 20
Day 20: Reading
I've been playing with font & letterforms recently in my sketchbooks so this composition I snapped stood out today. I think perhaps it's time to move on from "small items" for a while.
12 February 2010
Day 19
Day 19: Pull
With this shot, I wanted to play with perspective, test out the range of focus and depth of field on my phone's camera and work with the highlights off the metal. Not a bad result.
11 February 2010
Day 18
10 February 2010
Day 17
09 February 2010
Day 16
08 February 2010
Day 14

Day 14: No Smoking Please
So, although it's not my official anniversary (I think it's in a week), it's close enough that I thought this would be appropriate. It's been 4 years now without a cigarette. If you'd a known me even a year before that, you'd never have believed I could quit. I highly recommend it.
06 February 2010
Day 13
05 February 2010
Day 12

So I thought we'd deviate from the theme for a couple of shots.This is a spontaneous self-portrait taken yesterday morning in the middle of a cold, Old-Port bluster. I've always liked self-portraits taken indirectly, via reflection for instance. Or in shadow, etc. My college photo instructors weren't big fans of this approach. On the one hand they felt that it was meant to be a direct shot of self. On the otherhand, they didn't appreciate me trying to justify a shadow of myself caught accidentally in another project's shot as a "self-portrait".
Regardless...part of the reason I started taking pictures was because I don't particularly like being in front of the camera. So if I'm taking them, I don't have to be in them, right? So it only follows, I don't particularly care for direct, right-on, undistorted self-portraits.
Although, this is a long challenge. Maybe one will make its way up here sooner or later....
04 February 2010
Day 11
03 February 2010
Day 10
02 February 2010
Day 9
01 February 2010
29 January 2010
28 January 2010
Day 5
27 January 2010
Day 4
Day 3
26 January 2010
Day 2

This thing stands less than 3" tall, is based on a series of Italian elemental toys and evokes memories of Battle Beasts and M.U.S.C.L.E.S. for me. I'm not sure what his name is supposed to be, but he resides perched at the base of my computer, ever-vigilant against the encroachment of un-dopeness. Needless to say, he's pretty dope.
25 January 2010
Day 1

This is beautiful plastic bird that tweets when moved that we found in a gallery downtown. The bowl of them they had on the shelf was pretty amazingly jarring as they seemed to never stop, but alone, this little piece is quite charming and the design is 100% asian market awesome-ness.
Hand model: the beautiful Becca.
Project 365
So as so many of us do in the first month, I've recently been looking to establish some new habits. I've managed to knock out five workouts this week. I've kept up with the morning pages as prescribed by The Way of the Artist. We've even managed a full week with no takeout. Next up: Project 365.
Basically it boils down to this: one picture a day for one full annum's worth of days. Period. We're going to use the 5 megapixel fatness of the new crack phone 'puter droid device, mainly due to the convenience factor of always having the Motherbox with me.
So starting tomorrow, keep an eye peeled for some new eye candy on a daily basis. I don't really have any intention of shooting the same thing all year but will likely follow a series of themes. I think we'll start with small objects tomorrow.
As always, comments and critiques are encouraged.
Basically it boils down to this: one picture a day for one full annum's worth of days. Period. We're going to use the 5 megapixel fatness of the new crack phone 'puter droid device, mainly due to the convenience factor of always having the Motherbox with me.
So starting tomorrow, keep an eye peeled for some new eye candy on a daily basis. I don't really have any intention of shooting the same thing all year but will likely follow a series of themes. I think we'll start with small objects tomorrow.
As always, comments and critiques are encouraged.
22 January 2010
So much for prosletizing...

So, after all that nonsense I felt compelled to spew in my last post, I promptly dropped off the damn planet, didn't I? Haha! So much for my lofty goals.
In the gap that's followed, we've found ourselves plopped nicely into a new year. Tiger, as it were. And, as if say "F* that", our own miserable little tigret has passed on. Right on the new year too. I've already written a little eulogy for her which you can find over on Facebook, but I thought I'd take a minute to post up a shot I took of her this summer. I think it's the only good shot we ever got of her, so here it is.
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