After several hours perusing the racks, I returned home with one burning desire: to learn how to play guitar for the sole reason that I want to be able to justify going out and buying one or more of the beautiful stringed machines I saw.
Honestly, I don't think they could make some of these any more like candy.
My favorite right now is a '67 replica that Danelectro makes that just makes me drooool...
Yeah, that would be them right here. It's unhealthy the craving they create. And it's not like I want just one of them, either. I want all three of these and all of the other colors they make.
Like I said, not healthy.
Most of the day, I spent shuffling around, shooting pics all guerrilla-stylee with my nifty phone mainly 'cuz it felt weird just out and out snapping off pictures in a store. It kinda felt like casing the joint.
Which led me to thinking up answers to the questions the detectives would obviously ask when they came looking for me after all of the stores I'd visited got ripped off that night in a case of cosmic coincidence and mistaken identity a la My Cousin Vinny.
...what can I say? I've got an over-active imagination that just kicks into overdrive when I'm out tripping out on visual stimuli.
Here's a sweet little logo I saw. Pic's a little on the blurry side...
OK, it's a lot on the blurry side. Sue me. I already told you I was going all James Bond style stealthy.
And here's a couple more. You'll have to forgive the lapse in posts, but these should make up the interim days anyhow.
More tomorrow...

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