So...the last post in an otherwise post-lethargic month. Today is the eve of the Beach to Beacon, a road race run in Cape Elizabeth for a distance of 6.2 miles. For the uninitiated to the world of running, this distance is affectionately known as a 10K.
We went and picked up our bibs yesterday and I found that I now have a knot of wet oatmeal-cement-worms that immediately took up residence in that area of the abdomen generally known and referred to as the bread basket.
Now I have to admit, I really don't think I've had nerves this bad since I ran track (badly, I might add) in high school. And, despite the fact that I know this run is against myself more than anyone else (something I could never quite grasp in high school and perhaps one of the many reasons I was so bad at it then), I still find myself in an excessive state of nervousness.
I'm fairly certain that this will pass once I've got past the official starting line and am solidly under way, but for now, I'm doing what I can to keep my (still somewhat sizable) stomach in its proper place. And for now that will have to do. I'll update you all with my official time tomorrow and fill everyone in on the (hopefully not too) gory details.
But until then, you'll have to wait. Or go to the Beach to Beacon site...
31 July 2009
24 July 2009
All injuries in the name of competition are glorious...
...or at least I think I had a high school gym coach that proclaimed some such nonsense. However, I must say, I feel a certain measure tougher since getting stepped on with cleats during last night's match. I feel even tougher having won the fight and come away with the ball.
all of which is to say that I'm not really that tough and need to take what I can get...
All in all a rather disappointing loss to Olympia, but not for lack of a valiant effort and a few scrapes and bumps all the way round. Good game to the T.Doc team and nurse your bruises well...
all of which is to say that I'm not really that tough and need to take what I can get...
All in all a rather disappointing loss to Olympia, but not for lack of a valiant effort and a few scrapes and bumps all the way round. Good game to the T.Doc team and nurse your bruises well...
23 July 2009
My Kinda Church!
So a couple of weekends ago, me and the lovley wife took a little pilgrimage to the woodsly goodness and visited the inimitable Cathedral Ledge. We had a fantastic day, filled with scenery, strategery and a couple of stinky climbers that needed a good-natured lift down to the bottom.
When we got down to the bottom, we found the Ledge looking positively cathedral-y.
A quick pseudo-self-portrait taken in the window of the car...

And Cathedral Ledge looking much like its namesake. Could be a stained glass window on reality here. God looking over the edge? mmmmm...could be...
...just a small taste of our adventure with a side salad slaw. Maybe once I crack that book on didgital photography, I'll be able to post up some half-way decent pics for y'all to feast your hungry little eye-holes on. Yup. Check back for more of the goodness and stuff your little pot-bellied optic nerve-nesses full to bursting and then get some more!
When we got down to the bottom, we found the Ledge looking positively cathedral-y.
A quick pseudo-self-portrait taken in the window of the car...

And Cathedral Ledge looking much like its namesake. Could be a stained glass window on reality here. God looking over the edge? mmmmm...could be...

22 July 2009
so it's been (almost) a month...
...and I haven't written or posted anything for you, my faithful readers. Bad blogger! Bad!
On the up side, it's been a fun-filled month and there are pictures aplenty to be showcased. Although not today. I still have to download them all before I can get anything onto the post here. But rest assured, I will have some eye candy for your orbs to feast before long!
Much of what I'll be showing will be shots of the woodsly goodness (as so-named by the inimitable Albie Rock on his self-named blog) and similar. The wife and I have spent no small amount of time out over the past month and must admit that "the woodsly goodness" though not all-encompassing, is an apt name for the goodness to be found out in the more primordial, less built up areas of this world.
So you can expect some photo documentation of our travels in the coming days. Also being worked on is some graphic goodness. And though I can't promise a date for it to begin, I will be, starting this month, posting some mini-comics and exercises in graphic story telling. I won't promise anything as related to quality as this will largely be an experiment by which to get into practice for the quickly approaching 24-Hour Comics Day, but as I'm planning to post these as experiments, I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback on said comics.
That said, I'll be signing off now to go work on some of those pics and drawings. Keep your eyes peeled and your souls real.
On the up side, it's been a fun-filled month and there are pictures aplenty to be showcased. Although not today. I still have to download them all before I can get anything onto the post here. But rest assured, I will have some eye candy for your orbs to feast before long!
Much of what I'll be showing will be shots of the woodsly goodness (as so-named by the inimitable Albie Rock on his self-named blog) and similar. The wife and I have spent no small amount of time out over the past month and must admit that "the woodsly goodness" though not all-encompassing, is an apt name for the goodness to be found out in the more primordial, less built up areas of this world.
So you can expect some photo documentation of our travels in the coming days. Also being worked on is some graphic goodness. And though I can't promise a date for it to begin, I will be, starting this month, posting some mini-comics and exercises in graphic story telling. I won't promise anything as related to quality as this will largely be an experiment by which to get into practice for the quickly approaching 24-Hour Comics Day, but as I'm planning to post these as experiments, I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback on said comics.
That said, I'll be signing off now to go work on some of those pics and drawings. Keep your eyes peeled and your souls real.
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