So...the last post in an otherwise post-lethargic month. Today is the eve of the Beach to Beacon, a road race run in Cape Elizabeth for a distance of 6.2 miles. For the uninitiated to the world of running, this distance is affectionately known as a 10K.
We went and picked up our bibs yesterday and I found that I now have a knot of wet oatmeal-cement-worms that immediately took up residence in that area of the abdomen generally known and referred to as the bread basket.
Now I have to admit, I really don't think I've had nerves this bad since I ran track (badly, I might add) in high school. And, despite the fact that I know this run is against myself more than anyone else (something I could never quite grasp in high school and perhaps one of the many reasons I was so bad at it then), I still find myself in an excessive state of nervousness.
I'm fairly certain that this will pass once I've got past the official starting line and am solidly under way, but for now, I'm doing what I can to keep my (still somewhat sizable) stomach in its proper place. And for now that will have to do. I'll update you all with my official time tomorrow and fill everyone in on the (hopefully not too) gory details.
But until then, you'll have to wait. Or go to the Beach to Beacon site...
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