23 July 2009

My Kinda Church!

So a couple of weekends ago, me and the lovley wife took a little pilgrimage to the woodsly goodness and visited the inimitable Cathedral Ledge. We had a fantastic day, filled with scenery, strategery and a couple of stinky climbers that needed a good-natured lift down to the bottom.

When we got down to the bottom, we found the Ledge looking positively cathedral-y.

A quick pseudo-self-portrait taken in the window of the car...

And Cathedral Ledge looking much like its namesake. Could be a stained glass window on reality here. God looking over the edge? mmmmm...could be...

...just a small taste of our adventure with a side salad slaw. Maybe once I crack that book on didgital photography, I'll be able to post up some half-way decent pics for y'all to feast your hungry little eye-holes on. Yup. Check back for more of the goodness and stuff your little pot-bellied optic nerve-nesses full to bursting and then get some more!

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